EBCScheduler v0.7 Beta** Beta** Beta** *** EXTREMELY ANNOYING NOTICE *** The software in this package is in no way, shape or form guaranteed to do anything at all, at any time, under any condition, whatsoever. So there. *** /ENOTICE *** PURPOSE. I needed a simple way to schedule programs to run at a specified time. I thought that the perfect way to do this would be to enhance the WPProgram class. So I did. This program (actually, WPS Enhancement) adds a Schedule page to any existing WPProgram objects. INSTALLATION. Place the contents of this archive into the directory you want EBCSCHED to live in. Personally, I use D:\OS2UTIL\SCHED. Make that directory the current directory. Run RegSched.exe from the command line. Voila. If you choose to have the WPProgram object enhanced, the Schedule tab will appear in all WPProgram objects. UNINSTALLATION. Run regsched.exe from the command line, in the same directory that you installed it in. It will detect if the class is already registered, and unregister it. PROBLEMS: If a problem occurs, and you suspect that it is EBCScheduler that is causing it, i have shipped a perfectly clean DLL, called ebcsched.dlc, that is basically an empty shell. You can replace the existing ebcsched.dll with the following steps. 1. During the boot process, when the little white box is shown in the upper-left corner of the screen, hit ALT-F1. 2. choose C, boot to a command prompt. 3. change to the directory where you installed EBCScheduler. 4. rename ebcsched.dll to ebcsched.dlg 5 rename ebcsched.dlc to ebcsched.dll 6. type exit. This will shutdown and reboot. 7. If the problem still persists, it probably wasn't EBCScheduler ;) NOTES: In my thoroughly exhausting test procedures (mainly consisting of trying every possible thing i could think of), I came across these. When you install EBCScheduler, a template is created in the Templates Folder. It happens to have the same name , Program, as another object in the templates folder. No problem yet. When (if) you decide to enhance your WPProgram objects, and then reboot, you still have two Program objects in the template folder. Still no problem. If you subsequently un-enhance your WPProgram objects and reboot, a third Program object is created in the Templates folder. Apparently, if you create EBCScheduler objects, and then replace WPProgram, and then un-replace WPProgram, the EBCScheduler objects forget that they were originally EBCSCheduler objects, and revert to WPProgram objects. Hmm... Right now, the Every Other, Last, and Next-to-Last options on the schedule dialog are not active. Also, the action button on the schedule dialog is not active. It will be shortly. Also, considering adding a repeat-every-x-until-y option. Also, enhancements to the WPProgramFile object as well, or maybe to every object in the system (well, maybe not!); CONTACT: Any comments, suggestions, or bugs, please send to: Earl B Crowder Compuserve: 75472,3314 Internet: 75472.3314@compuserve.com (of course)